Project update

On the tool bar, open the Get Changes refresh drop-down list, and select the database source based on which the pgCodeKeeper project will be updated.

Click refresh. After a short wait, the list of differences with the indication of change type will be displayed on the differences panel.


Open the Apply save_edit drop-down menu and select app_icon ** Project**. Tick the required changes, click save_edit, and the Confirm Project Update dialog window will appear.


Check the list of objects selected by the user and the list of dependent objects. .. important:: Be careful! Excluding dependence objects from the update can lead to errors and unexpected results.

If instead of changing the objects themselves you need to save overrides of their properties (for example privileges), select the corresponding option. This can be done only for the objects with the edit change type.

Click OK to confirm the applying of changes to the project. If successful, pgCodeKeeper console will display a corresponding message.


Project file update resets the differences list.